2019 City Shaper

Team Project Info

Handout is here
GitHub Project

Team Project Lessons

1: Vitruvian Ideals: Handout / Slides & Notes
2: Venture Capital … And Scooters!: Slides & Notes
3: Product Development: Slides
4: Machine Learning: Slides
5: Machine Learning II: Slides

Python Programming Sheet

FLL Resources

FLL Judging Rubrics
FLL Blog: Resources to Build Your Innovation Project
FLL Tutorials: Project Resources

City of Morgan Hill 2035 General Plan
City of Morgan Hill Planning Maps
Metropolis Curriculum

Project Inspiration Speakers and Reviewers

Helen Rhee, environmental engineer, discussed cities and watersheds on September 9.

Ralph Lyle, retired software engineer and former member of Morgan Hill Planning Commission, discussed planning on September 11. (slides)

Jeff Ota, Autonomous Driving Program Lead at Intel, discussed autonomous vehicles and how they’ll change cities on September 16.

Michelle Helvey, Head of Oakwood School, discussed the campus expansion and related challenges on September 30.

Team Core Values Discussions

1: Core Values Rubric: Slides
2: Project Management: Slides

Official FLL Resources

Official Paper Scoresheet
Official Game Guide
City Shaper Challenge Updates
Table Overview Map

Team Robot Design Lessons

1: Differential Steering: Handout / Slides & Notes
2: Feedback and Sensors: Handout / Slides & Notes
3: Mission Programs: Slides & Notes

Robot C Reference Sheet

Robot Game Guide & Rubrics Formatted for Binder
Mission Plan Worksheet

Robot Game Scorecard at komurobo
FLL Tutorials: Robot Game
TechBrick: 2019 Resources
RobotC Function Reference
FLLCasts Video: Quick Pinless Attachments